Wednesday, 20 July 2011

My thieves to be.

I was mortified and hysterically laughing last night.  Once again we decided to venture out.  This time we choose "Blue Street" and McDonald's as our destination.  I want to start by saying that McDonald's is the same, but different than the one back home.   There is no playland, but then again who needs it with all the walking you do over here.  We had the usual burgers and nuggets.   I however decided to get adventurous and get a teriyaki burger.  There was WAY too much mayo, but after scraping that off (and deciding that the meat was sausage)  it was ok.
So after dinner off we went walking back down "Blue Street".  A quick note- blue street is named for the blue spects in the pavement and the blue tiles on the side walk.  I have found (and heard) that many things are called by what you see instead of what they are actually called.
There was a store that sold post cards close by so we decided to go in.  And in the way things tend to go Boy#1 had to go potty.  So one post card bought and out we go.  My hubby took him across the street to use the facilities and I continued on to many more shops.  I was shopping inside one shop when the girl said "Mommy LOOK!"  I look down to discover my infant had stolen a small metal wheel burrow. I start saying "OH NO, OH NO".  The Japanese girls helping me start to laugh.  SOoo, out the door we go.
As I am frantically trying to get back to the card shop, I call my hubby.  He says he is by the card shop.  When I get there I explain that our infant has stolen something.  At this point my hubby says to me "I just came out of the card shop because Boy#1 has stolen a bell".  I laugh and tell him he has to go back in to the store and explain about Boy#2.  All in all everyone was understanding, but from then on we had a hand up and check when exiting every store. LOL  It is always something exciting!

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